Elected Executive Team
2022-2024 Term
Mignonette Trinidad
Interim President
Oversees general management and administration of the Club; chairs Annual General, and Executive meetings; is key contact to Recreation Division of the City of Mississauga and Meadowvale Community Centre.

Joan Hoffman
Interim Vice-President
Assists and supports the President in the management of Club affairs.

Manages Club finances; creates annual budget in consultation with the Executive; presents financial reports at executive and general meetings and prepares an annual financial statement.

Mignonette Trinidad
Fellowship & Social Convenor
Organizes special social events for the Club. She also sends cards to members who are ill. If you know someone absent due to illness, please contact Mignonette.

Barbara (Barb) Guppy
Executive Secretary
Records minutes of the AGM, executive and general meetings; manages the general mailbox and reports weekly activity attendance to the City of Mississauga.

Joan Hoffman
Executive Coordinator
Manages the Club membership database. Prepares and disseminates information between the executive and the members, and compliments the role of executive secretary.

Ellie Massis
Education Convenor
Sources guest speakers at Club Snack & Learn events. If you have any suggestions for a subject or speaker you'd like to hear from, please contact me at

Madhu Patel
Membership Coordinator
Manages Club membership materials, responds to related inquiries and ensures annual dues are received.

Lilian DeBono
Knit & Crochet Convenor
Lilian also looks after Club kitchen supplies.

Maureen Yhip
Line Dancing Convenor
Maureen (and her team) ensures all the details including room and table decorations are taken care of for special luncheons.

Margaret Cruickshanks
An experienced, detail-oriented person who manages the general upkeep of the website, and ensures content is refreshed and up-to-date. If you are interested in this role, please contact any member of the executive.